Excellent article about the Federal Reserve, the power of the banks and many other anecdotes that would delight the most daring conspiracy theorists. But they were not and are not conspiracies. The bank was and is involved in everything. Your tests have left me stunned. I thought everything was wrong. But it's worse after reading you. It's time to reflect. Your article should be read by everyone. Thank you very much!!!

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I visited the JP Morgan museum last mont in NY and was reading about how he helped create the Federal Reserve to "protect" Americans from future economic crashes. What a joke!

So many problems in this country lead to the Fed. They affect your car payments, house payments, savings accounts, job market, 401(k), assets/stocks, and prices of nearly everything we see around us.

Straight tyranny.

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Thank you for sharing this curious anecdote! It really is a tyranny. And they don't hide. It is we who are asleep. Due to the deficient quality of economic history, which is taught at the University. Nothing about it is mentioned...

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> If you find yourself arguing about who’s better: Donald Trump or Joe Biden, congratulations, you’ve been played.

100%! People get caught up on that so much.

The plan to destroying America from the inside has been in the works for decades. For those who haven't seen this, check out Ex KGB Yuri Bezmenov interview (https://rumble.com/v1ybax6-ex-kgb-yuri-bezmenov-warnte-amerikaner-vor-langfrist-strategien-der-udssr.html).

But still, if we ask anyone around the world where they are struggling, where they would like to move to improve their life and they'll say USA. I lived in Sweden for 10 years, and Socialism is a form of control. They might have free healthcare and education and a "nice" life but people are Spiritually poor. God is working in the USA as we move past 2020 plandemic, it's a new revival.

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BlackRock is like an arms dealer supplying both sides of the conflict and spreading rumors to keep the fight going

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'terrific article. Kudos!

1913 was a very bad year for the Republic: Federal Income Tax, repeal of the 17th amendment, and the "Federal" Reserve. For the Republic, it has been steadily downhill from there. 'took a while for Rome to decline, too.

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"We’re turning into Brazil. We’ll have favelas here in no time."

No reason to insult Brazil.

Seriously, I've been to Brazil around 30 times over the last 20 years. There are some big differences.

In Brazil, they realize there is corruption. But, with one significant exception, they're doing something about it. The Lava Jato (Car Wash) scandal resulted in dozens of politicians and high ranking businessmen being sent to jail.

They took a big step backward recently with a head-scratcher of a decision that set Lula free and allowed him to run for President. But, in Brazil, the people are mostly fed up with crime and corruption, and they're doing something about it.

Here? Not so much. To the extent there are prosecutions, they are one sided. Operating Instructions for our FBI and Justice Department: 1. Check suspect's politics; 2. Prosecute if there's evidence of an (R) next to the suspect's name; else 3. Look the other way.

And, it's worse. In Brazil, 100% of the country knows there is crime and corruption, and they want something done about it. Here, slightly more than 50% remain blissfully ignorant.

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Another well done piece. The problem now is the banks don't need to overthrow the government, because they own it. My hope for the future is the common folk realize there are more of us than them and clean house before our house collapses.

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