“Through money, modern democracy destroys itself — after money has destroyed the spirit.”
— Oswald Spengler
America is experiencing an existential crisis.
We are in the early stages of Idiocracy, Snow Crash, 1984, Brave New World, and maybe some Terminator potential all rolled into one.
Politicians have been reduced to helpless goons in the hands of decades of rampant lobbying and insider trading; all the while inflation is doing away with the middle class and we’re divided on abortion, guns, drugs, sex, LGBT issues, feminism, class war, race, and a million other things.
We’re turning into Brazil. We’ll have favelas here in no time.
My questions are:
How bad is it, really?
Who’s to blame?
And how is this going to end?
People say America is declining, but by what metric?
How can you tell a country is declining? It’s not an easy thing to measure like your waist or dick size.
If you ask someone why they believe that America is declining they might say “I don’t know, I just feel it.”
Not a very sophisticated answer, but it’s true by these metrics:
IQ is dropping by seven points every generation
The economy is overinflated and propped up by a fractional reserve fiat banking system that most Americans aren’t even aware of
New economic data has shown that while nominal wages are higher American workers are not experiencing real wage gains due to inflation.
And we’re in the middle of the “culture war” that involves everything from cancel culture to transgender issues.
The thing to remember about these metrics, however — besides the fact that you can cherry-pick them — is that America won’t cease to exist just because they exist.
To use the Roman Empire as an example, you had veterans of the second and first-century BCE returning from 10-year campaigns to nothing and living in abject poverty in the streets because wealthy senators and equities stole their land.
This is the mistake of the modern era: taking the visibility of poverty or cultural volatility as signs of collapse. Poverty is always prevalent in empires but when we think of Rome we don’t think of the homeless, we think of the coliseum, the circus Maximus, the forum, the cloaca maxima, the pantheon.
That said, I’ll tell you why this Pax Americana is coming to an end.

So who’s to blame for America’s decline?
The Founding Fathers adamantly warned against creating one institution that could destroy Western democracy.
Oh my gosh.
What could it be?
Was it the two-party system? Or maybe an Illuminati?
CIA, NSA, Area 51, Guantanamo bay, Operation dropshot?
No. It was the creation of a central bank — and if you give me a second I’ll tie it to everything including the decline of Western civilization.
“[Bankers] have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.”
— Thomas Jefferson
“The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me. But I will kill it.”
— Andrew Jackson
We have a debt-based monetary system. Most Americans don’t understand this concept but I do.
No debt, no money.
In plain English, that means America and Americans need to spend more money than we have, and go into debt, to create money.
Look at your money, right now. Pull out that sweaty sticky George W. It says “For debts public and private.” All money is debt lent out from the Federal Reserve, and herein lies the problem. The Federal Reserve is controlled by a cartel of banks including JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the Rockefellers.
This should worry you for these reasons:
Banks have the most power: The banks control whether we are in a recession or a depression. In fact, former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke once said, “Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you we won’t do it again.” They did not learn their lesson because the current Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is now taking blame for this new Recession.
Dems and GOP: Both are in bed with these banks. I wrote an article about Nancy Pelosi’s insider trading scandal, but even worse, earlier this month 64 members of Congress violated a law designed to prevent insider trading and stop conflicts of interest. Money is more powerful than your vote. Did you really think your vote mattered? What is this preschool? There’s lobbying, gerrymandering, and foreign wars to profit from. Not to mention that the banks also control the media through advertising dollars.
They own media: When it comes to this “culture war” the banks are the most crucial part. Black Lives Matter, for instance, is funded primarily by banks (and that’s not getting into how that money was poorly spent). In fact, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were both killed after they started speaking out against the Federal Reserve. And the buck doesn’t stop at social issues, banking giant BlackRock owns both CNN and Fox News further indicating that banks are playing you.
Smedley Butler: Who’s Smedley Butler? He was a two-time Medal of Honor recipient and a major general in the U.S. Marine Corps. In the early 1930s, Butler was approached by a group of wealthy industrialists and bankers including the Duponts, the Rockefellers, and JP Morgan. They asked him to lead a coup against President Franklin Roosevelt with the help of 500,000 war veterans. Butler went to Congress and testified about the plot. If you don’t believe me, read his testimony for yourself.
Do you understand what I just said? Less than 100 years ago the banks tried to overthrow a president. What the fuck do you think they’re doing now? Also, why don’t you hear about Smedley Butler and when bankers tried to overthrow the government blatantly? Hey, don’t ask me. But maybe this guy knows a thing or two…
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”
— George Orwell
What’s Next
If you find yourself arguing about who’s better: Donald Trump or Joe Biden, congratulations, you’ve been played. The banks don’t care who’s in office. They make money whether we’re at war or peace, sick or healthy, employed or unemployed. They don’t need your vote, they own both parties, stupid.
The best part is that the Federal Reserve isn’t even a part of the government.
It’s as federal as Federal Express yet every action they take affects every single one of us.
Yes, there are key issues that are somewhat out of their control and in the hands of the people such as abortion and gun control. But even these issues are at the behest of lop-sided campaign donations and lobbyists.
If you have money in America, you can get away with anything. Just ask Jeffery Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, or R. Kelly. Or ask the banks who “support” Black Lives Matter but forced Black and Latino applicants to pay higher mortgages or accept subprime loans despite even qualifications with their white counterparts.
This is why you follow the money.
It’s the first lesson you get in journalism school for a reason.
Complaining about the decline of America because of a bad president or a law you don’t agree with is like arguing with a cashier at Burger King.
He doesn’t have any power to change the price of the Whopper. All he can do is apologize and say, “I can go get the manager.” But even that guy isn’t who you really want to talk to. You want to talk to the franchisee, and if you want to talk to the real decision-maker, you need to go to headquarters.
But nobody is going to do that over a bad burger, they’d rather scream at the cashier and feel self-righteous and indignant while doing it.
Excellent article about the Federal Reserve, the power of the banks and many other anecdotes that would delight the most daring conspiracy theorists. But they were not and are not conspiracies. The bank was and is involved in everything. Your tests have left me stunned. I thought everything was wrong. But it's worse after reading you. It's time to reflect. Your article should be read by everyone. Thank you very much!!!
> If you find yourself arguing about who’s better: Donald Trump or Joe Biden, congratulations, you’ve been played.
100%! People get caught up on that so much.
The plan to destroying America from the inside has been in the works for decades. For those who haven't seen this, check out Ex KGB Yuri Bezmenov interview (https://rumble.com/v1ybax6-ex-kgb-yuri-bezmenov-warnte-amerikaner-vor-langfrist-strategien-der-udssr.html).
But still, if we ask anyone around the world where they are struggling, where they would like to move to improve their life and they'll say USA. I lived in Sweden for 10 years, and Socialism is a form of control. They might have free healthcare and education and a "nice" life but people are Spiritually poor. God is working in the USA as we move past 2020 plandemic, it's a new revival.