I couldn't agree more with these thoughts, right down to who I (still) plan to vote for.

The focus now needs to shift to Mayorkas, the man responsible for our open border, for denying Secret Service protection to RFK Jr., and denying Trump's requests to beef up his security.

There are two ways to put a potential outcome in motion: (1) initiate it yourself, which the CIA has done many times; or (2) openly call for it and let nature take its course.

"We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." Joe Biden, July 8th, 2024

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The collective unconscious is messy and I don’t think people realise what we hate about another is also partly in ourselves. Jordan Peterson speaks on the shadow also where we think we would not or could not do something wicked and yet he explains in war time Germany people went along with it as we are doing now in the other wars. “The world hangs by a thin thread and that if the psyche of man”. ~ Carl Jung

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