I couldn’t sleep.. Knowing we were 2cm away from Trump’s head exploding on live tv…it just doesn’t sit right with me.
Who’s to say someone won’t just try again?
If that happened I do think America would have been lost. Think about that.
8 years of mainstream media calling Trump Hitler 3.0, I’m just shocked that this did not occur sooner.
AND for any of you who think this was fake, staged, an illusion, a CONSPIRACY (the word the left demonized during Covid) you should put an apple on your head and ask your friend to shoot it off at 300yds to prove its easy to take an ear.
Don’t do that. It’s a joke…maybe too dark during these times.
Today they revealed their hand: they want him gone. No matter the cost.
Impressive, very nice. Let’s see reddit’s reaction:
Now ask yourself the important question: Why did this happen?
This is why you clicked on this article, the reason.
Libertarian voice Dave Smith nailed it on Saturday:
“How the fuck can you say he’s literally Hitler and Democracy is on the line but we wish him a speedy recovery and political violence is never acceptable? If you have been saying any of that insane shit, then at least have the integrity to admit that this is the logical conclusion of your lies.”
Where the hell are we at in this country?
People didn’t cheer on Reagan to die.
People didn’t cheer on RFK to die.
People didn’t cheer on Lincoln to die.
People didn’t cheer on JFK to die (except the CIA)
Whether you like Trump or not, he isn’t Hitler.
Find a better way to beat him.
Beat him with policy or a better candidate.
If Trump is Hitler, then we should kill him. BLAMM-O! Dead. Holocaust 2.0 averted. Democracy saved. Peace and happiness for everyone.
That’s not how this works. We all should know this.
How old and immature do you have to be to think the president has this much effect on your life? If you swapped Biden for Obama I wouldn’t have noticed the difference; Reagan for Bill Clinton or Bush for his dad.
Trump’s presidency was slightly different than those; I’ll give him that. But the anathematic hyperbole was never realized, it was a parody at best.
His political opponents weren’t put in cages, he didn’t build the wall (actually Biden is doing that), and no new wars were started.
This election won’t save democracy no matter who wins.
Yet because one side spent 4 years saying Trump=Hitler two people just died to stop orange hitler.
Moreover, the news keeps saying “Tragedy averted” yeah not if you fucking died. Not if you loved the guy who died. WTF show some tact. We get it, crisis averted with the assassination of Trump but stop saying shit like “Near tragedy” it’s so disrespectful to a guy who died and his family.
How I plan to vote in 2024
Honestly, that moment, when everyone was watching on after Trump was shot, fearing the worst, and he stuck his fist in the air to show the world he was ok and chanted “FIGHT” was the most inspiring thing that has happened in American politics for decades.
Anyone who says they want him dead now is nothing but pure evil and hatred.
Not only is this moment historical, but the photo that Evan Vucci took is also perfect.
The level of compositional mastery comes from over two decades of experience in the field and a sharpness that only comes from thousands and thousands of “reps.”
So, will I vote for Trump?
I’ll say this, there’s something so viscereal about seeing a man get shot and get up and at least fight for something, even if it’s just for his fans, or himself, or, ostensibly, America.
Regardless of what cowards believe, people typically like strong willed people willing to stand tall in the face of such an act.
But no. I still don’t have any plans to vote.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is my preferred candidate, if anything.
But what Trump did is tenacity like nothing else.
If it’s between him and Biden, I hope he wins.
I won’t blame you if this compels you to vote for a guy who stood up after being shot over a guy who confused Zelensky for President Putin.
Someone nearly exploded President Trump’s head like a watermelon on live tv. That should horrify you of where we’re at in this country.
Before any of this was planning to see Trump at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville on July 24–27. If you’re there let’s link up for a coffee!
I couldn't agree more with these thoughts, right down to who I (still) plan to vote for.
The focus now needs to shift to Mayorkas, the man responsible for our open border, for denying Secret Service protection to RFK Jr., and denying Trump's requests to beef up his security.
There are two ways to put a potential outcome in motion: (1) initiate it yourself, which the CIA has done many times; or (2) openly call for it and let nature take its course.
"We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." Joe Biden, July 8th, 2024