Tim Pool, Dave Rubin Took MILLIONS From Russia to Spread Disinformation
Remember when Kanye walked off his show?
It’s over, folks. Wrap it the fuck up.
The DOJ dropped a bombshell alleging that right-wing influencers like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Lauren Chen, and Benny Johnson, linked to 'Tenet Media,' were unknowingly being paid millions by Russia.
This isn’t a chump change; it was upwards of $400,000 a month from the Russians.
While most of these indie journalists didn’t know where the money was coming from, ask yourself: what kind of person is offered that much money, more than 99% of people in America make per year, and doesn't question or look into where that money is coming from?
Not. Good.
Thank you Dick Cheney for the Patriot Act (joking).
We now have a case in which a foreign government paid people who claimed to be independent media.
The entire online right-wing media industrial complex is going to be investigated.
Anyone who spoke out against legitimate grievances, like carte blanche support for Ukraine or Israel now looks suspect.
Is right-wing independent media dead?
$400,000 A MONTH for 1 video a week
$400,000 A MONTH for one video a week? Can I work for Russia, please?
What the hell?
The story here is that Tenesese-based media company Tenet Media took money from a Russian entity, which indirectly funded these independent journalists.
None of them (allegedly) knew any of the money came from Russia except for Lauren Chen, who, when Tenet Media's payments were late, was caught Googling “What time is it in Russia?”
While most of these journos say it didn’t reshape or change any of their reportage to suit the Russian government, that can’t be 100% proven.

Here’s the rub: While I don’t agree with most of these right-wing indie journalists on everything—especially Dave Rubin (who wants to censor free speech along with Ben Shapiro)—they bring up many legitimate stories on their shows:
Should we be paying billions to Ukraine without actively working toward a ceasefire?
Why have Democrat and Conservative values flipped in the last 20 years?
Tim Pool was one of the first to spotlight the insane media bias on Twitter.
Now it just looks like Russia paid for those stories. Moreover, are we seriously going to pretend that Western governments don’t influence our media?
When the Trump campaign had dirt on Hillary, it was RUSSIAN COLLUSION. When Hillary lost, it was RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE. When Trump met with Putin it was RUSSIAN KOMPROMAT. When the Hunter Biden influence-peddling scandal broke, it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.
This all happened. You didn’t forget, did you?
In short, fake news about Russia-Trump collusion—which even CNN admitted to being fake— has gone on for eight years. Make it stop! Please.
Journalists are true scum.
As Hunter Thompson said back in 1959:
“I fully expect journalists to use my quotes out of context, jeer at my work, libel me in every possible way, and generally crucify me in the good name of editorial entertainment.”
The independent media like Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, Tucker Carlson, Breaking Points, and True Anon wouldn’t have grown so fast if the mainstream media wasn't caught red-handed again and again running bullshit interference to help the establishment interests maintain the illusion of democracy.
However, with this latest scandal of indie journalists taking money from Russia it’s all over. We’ll never hear the end of the “Russia collusion.”
Better make sure you have the correct opinions from now on, comrades.
Inflation is down. Food is cheaper than ever. The economy is booming. Everyone loves Kamala. Brat was not a paid campaign. Albania never financed Clinton.
Putin Is Laughing All the Way to The Bank
Liz Cheney and Vladimir Putin have now endorsed Kamala Harris.
Putin is a fan of her and said, in what I imagine was the most sarcastic way possible, that he admires her “infectious laugh.”
Biden was our "favorite", but he was removed from the race and recommended to support Kamala Harris — which means we will support her too. She laughs so infectiously that it means "she’s doing well", — Putin
Throughout all of this, it's hard not to respect Putin for how easily he toys with Western media and “Democracy…” if that’s what we’re still calling it.
Putin also says nothing will change, no matter who is elected in November.
This election is like a bad acid trip. On the one hand, we have Kamala Harris, whose policies are twerking and adopting whatever is en vogue. I have an upcoming video about this that will break the internet; I am posting it here first!
And while Trump is America first, I can’t get this out of my head…
Vote Trump to:
Drain the Swamp! Deport Illegals!
Make America Great Again! Build the Wall! Stop Woke Agenda!
Vote Trump to:
Drain the Swamp! Deport Illegals!
Make America Great Again! Build the Wall! Stop Woke Agenda!
Wait a minute…
Maybe something will change this time. Who knows.
As for Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and the other right-wing indie journalists, it seems, until proven otherwise, that they were unwittingly entangled in a Russian-driven influence operation.
I suppose they could be charged with failing to register as foreign agents. Of course, this probably won't stick since it’s unlikely they knew they were indirectly Russian agents.
But to me, their integrity will be tarnished for a very long time.
Remember when Trump got shot in the head? That feels like decades ago.
I interviewed an exec from Airchat, a new social media app from Naval Ravikant. It was supposed to be released earlier this week, but after watching it, I wanted to sit on it for a little while longer. Sunday, however, I’ll be posting a panel I was on with NY libertarian candidate Larry Sharpe about RFK Jr. dropping out and the importance of third parties. You won’t want to miss it.
Thanks for giving me time to adjust back to posting more regularly. I’m away from my Wall St. job but taking a bit to get into the swing of things!
Haha. The government lied about Russiagate, about COVID, about the Hunter Biden laptop, about the DNC email hack.
But they're telling the truth about this.