We always knew the government spied on us.
But we never thought they would go so far as to team up with social media platforms to control the flow of information—and, now there’s hard evidence of exactly that.
Docs recovered by The Intercept show Twitter, Facebook, and Microsoft are closely collaborating with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to censor, manipulate public opinion, and control info on topics such as the origins of COVID, racial justice, the withdrawal from Afghanistan war and the 2020 election, to name a few.
At the very least, this is a direct violation of the constitution.
At most, it's treason and sedition against the United States.
“Platforms have got to get comfortable with government. It’s really interesting how hesitant they remain,” Microsoft executive Matt Masterson, a former DHS official, texted Jen Easterly, a DHS director, in February.

We all knew this was going on, but having evidence puts this into the realm of viable lawsuits against the government, AND the tech platforms that were acting as agents for the government. "It's a private company, they can do what they like" no longer flies. They WEREN'T a private company the moment they colluded with the regime to deny you of your inalienable rights.
Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau repeatedly said these "conspiracy pushers" were killing people, yet it was their own government agencies that have blood on their hands by limiting the marketplace of free thought.
This is beyond Orwellian.
Here's exactly how your life was manipulated over the last few years.
Twitter Subverted the 2020 Election
According to The Intercept, prior to the 2020 election, big tech companies including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Verizon met on a monthly basis with the FBI, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (subsector of the DHS), and other government representatives to control the narrative around the 2020 election.
The ultimate purpose of the CISA, still ongoing, is to find MDM: Misinformation, disinformation, and “malinformation” (factual information with harmful intent... whatever the fuck that means).
While this kind of authoritarian fascist behavior has received criticism and pushback in recent years, it still continues today, unabated.
"Who among us thinks the government should add to its work list the job of determining what is true and what is disinformation? And who thinks the government is capable of telling the truth?” wrote Politico media critic Jack Shafer. “Our government produces lies and disinformation at industrial scale and always has."
The question on everyone's mind is: Did these platforms have a left-wing bias?
Yes, yes they did.
The 2020 election "misinformation" crackdown culminated with the Hunter Biden "laptop story;" a story reported by The New York Post about Hunter selling his name and likeness to foreign entities and was subsequently being censored by Facebook and Twitter.
In an appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast in August, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the FBI directly approached Facebook to tell them to censor stories that "didn't fit a pattern" of news such as the Hunter Biden report. “The background here is that the FBI came to us — some folks on our team — and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election... We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump."
Zuckerberg later admitted he regretted the decision after the NYT and Washington Post confirmed the story— after the election, of course.
Lies About Covid-19
Alex Berenson is a former New York Times journalist who reported in 2021 that vaccines, lockdowns, masks, and working from home, did not limit the spread of COVID-19.
He was permanently banned from Twitter for speaking the truth.
Twitter called it "hateful conduct.”
Meanwhile, today it's common knowledge that you can get COVID after being vaccinated — the CDC director recently tested positive for COVID again — and Israel and Pfizer already knew this information in the summer of 2021, way before Berenson was banned.
Atlantic reporter Emily Oster even called for “pandemic amnesty,” this week saying, “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.”
Hm, how about, on behalf of the millions of Americans who lost their jobs from lockdowns, who were treated like shit in real life and on social media, who couldn’t get into stores in L.A., NY, and most blue states across the country, and who had to watch their kids do virtual learning in a basement, kindly go to hell.
Alex Berenson effectively ruffled the feathers of Americans who have 4+ vaccine shots, still wear masks everywhere, still support/defend the mandates, people who simp for big pharma (who protested them pre-2020) and even want COVID restrictions to remain or come back.
Alex had to sue Twitter to get back on the platform, and he won.
In doing so, he found that the White House had played a direct role in his banishment; another indication of this left-wing bias amongst govt.
The WSJ wrote in response to his trial: "Democracy depends on free and open debate. If government officials continue to deputize private companies to stifle dissenters, it’s high time for federal courts to deliver them a reminder: If it’s state action in disguise, the Constitution applies."
Berenson isn't perfect. He predicted we would never reach 500k dead from COVID (although he’s more on the money than other experts), but he rarely draws direct conclusions and instead asks questions from the data.
He even supports vaccines for the elderly, as do I, by the way.
Even so, Alex was banned from most platforms for his free speech.
This is a Criminal Conspiracy
Three years ago Joe Rogan and journalist Tim Pool asked Jack Dorsey and Twitter exec Vijaya Gadde—in what I still believe is the most important podcast of all time— if Twitter colludes with the government.
They said no.
They lied.
Tim Pool is now calling The Intercept's story the “Biggest story of the last few decades, if not the biggest story in the history of America.”
He isn't too far off. He might even be right.
He’s right because Twitter continues to insist on lying.
“We do not coordinate with other entities when making content moderation decisions, and we independently evaluate content in line with the Twitter Rules.” Twitter execs told The Intercept
These are bastards. Shiesty, criminal bastards. They act like the truth police because they believe they are the arbiters of morality and justice.
When I worked as a journalist in New Jersey I can tell you this is exactly what everyone believed: that our primary responsibility wasn't to publish the objectionable truth or to seek it out, but to protect ourselves and our tribe from being offended.
Ethics in corporate journalism are dead.
As an FBI official who lamented on the warrantless monitoring of Americans during the 2020 George Floyd riots said, “Man, I don’t even know what’s legal anymore.”

The Bill of Rights wasn't written: "in any particular order" for a reason. The first amendment is the most important because it protects free thought and the marketplace of ideas.
Without those two things, we're cavemen killing each other over scraps.
And if the corporate media and social media monopolies are in bed with the government oligarchy to control what we see, read, and think... well then, what does that make America?
It makes us a police state. F-that.
“There is growing evidence that the legislative and executive branch officials are using social media companies to engage in censorship by surrogate. It is axiomatic that the government cannot do indirectly what it is prohibited from doing directly. If government officials are directing or facilitating such censorship, it raises serious First Amendment questions.”
— Jonathan Turley, a professor of law at George Washington University
Hopefully Musk will take Twitter in another direction. As for the others, they should be shunned at a minimum. Unfortunately there are no penalties in federal law for Bill of Rights infringements; on the other hand how would you enforce such strictures when it's the government doing the infringing?
I think most of us are tired of being lied to by governments. We can't fight them at this point, they're too damn big. Protesting doesn't work anymore either since when we demand that government do something, they do. Food, water, energy, money, we have voted for them to control it all. We give them our power when we ask them to do anything. Imagine a world without Rulers. Every time we vote to have our will forced on that guy, well, next term that guy is gonna vote to have his will forced on you, and round and round we go. Government gets bigger and bigger...
Stop voting for more government and leave their constructs completely. Just leave.
First of all, stop using messengers that can be spied on, censored, shut down, groups and communities banned, etc (whatsapp, telegram, fedbook..). Try Session messenger: https://getsession.org (the call quality too btw is outstanding). Session uses the Oxen blockchain.
Stop using twitter, try https://d.buzz (they now use the Hive blockchain).
Like blogging? Try https://ecency.com (they also use the Hive blockchain now)
Want to live free? Find an expat, permaculture, crypto, and/or free energy community group near you on meetup.com, craigslist, fedbook, etc. It's usually free and the firends you make at these local groups will pull you through all this crap. Stop being extorted!
The sooner we stop using platforms that rely on some corporation (like the UNITED STATES (all caps intentional)), the better. Decentralised, free, open source platforms are the way to go imo.
#web3 #free-markets