Mile High City! I haven't been there since 2000. I attended the AIA (American Institute of Architects) conference, which offered a 20-year overview of the future of architecture, design, and the accompanying technology. Here's a bit of trivia for you: A small software company named @LastSoftware originated from Denver, Colorado. With just a team of 3-4 people and minimal setup, they stood out amidst architectural software giants like Autodesk. Walking the conference floor I came upon a small booth. I noticed a guy sketching with a digital pen on an e-tablet, creating various 2-D shapes. His work caught my eye, and it looked quite impressive. With a few clicks and gestures, he transformed a flat 2D square into a 3-D object, which was astonishing. He quickly modeled a 3D house, drawing a crowd of architects eager to see the software in action. This small company, @LastSoftware, contributed to the creation of 'Google Earth,' one of the largest open-source platforms on the web. Google later acquired @LastSoftware and renamed it to the well-known and beloved 'SketchUp.'

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enjoy Denver

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