Great article - this is the key phrase: "We can control them in the offices, schools, and in life. We can break up the family structure and the government becomes the family structure.” This is also whats behind the trans movement - getting rid of families
Excellent piece. The video is important to watch because it contextualised how their feminism construct plays into their overall playbook. The Elite know full well that poisoning the culture enviserates Political argumentation.
First, thanks for the article. I googled "government funding feminism" and your article surfaced.
I have a comment on one point. You wrote "it's too much freedom to decided whether or not to have casual sex..." It's really an issue of boundaries, not freedom. A large part of "feminism" was indoctrinating women to have no sexual boundaries with men.
I loved this piece. I'm one of those who never wanted children, or even wanted to get married. My weirdness came from being shamed and teased as a kid when I talked about boys. My dad had some sort of thing where he teased me unmercifully about it from a very young age—that, and having red hair. The first thing I did at 15 was dye my hair. I had boyfriends but kept them secret. I didn't bring anyone home in high school. I was out of the house for years before my parents met my SO. I was encouraged and rewarded for working hard, the feminine side of me was discouraged, even if subliminally.
My parents encouraged me to work, strive for the top, and do my best.
The relationship side of me was seriously screwed up for years.
Today, I'm happily married, I don't regret having kids... but there is a little something still missing, so maybe that was it, maybe.
Isn't it weird how our thinking and navigating the world is formed by society and family dynamics? Some stuff can be changed but if society screams loudly enough we conform. Fucking Rockefeller's.
Great article - this is the key phrase: "We can control them in the offices, schools, and in life. We can break up the family structure and the government becomes the family structure.” This is also whats behind the trans movement - getting rid of families
Excellent piece. The video is important to watch because it contextualised how their feminism construct plays into their overall playbook. The Elite know full well that poisoning the culture enviserates Political argumentation.
First, thanks for the article. I googled "government funding feminism" and your article surfaced.
I have a comment on one point. You wrote "it's too much freedom to decided whether or not to have casual sex..." It's really an issue of boundaries, not freedom. A large part of "feminism" was indoctrinating women to have no sexual boundaries with men.
I loved this piece. I'm one of those who never wanted children, or even wanted to get married. My weirdness came from being shamed and teased as a kid when I talked about boys. My dad had some sort of thing where he teased me unmercifully about it from a very young age—that, and having red hair. The first thing I did at 15 was dye my hair. I had boyfriends but kept them secret. I didn't bring anyone home in high school. I was out of the house for years before my parents met my SO. I was encouraged and rewarded for working hard, the feminine side of me was discouraged, even if subliminally.
My parents encouraged me to work, strive for the top, and do my best.
The relationship side of me was seriously screwed up for years.
Today, I'm happily married, I don't regret having kids... but there is a little something still missing, so maybe that was it, maybe.
Isn't it weird how our thinking and navigating the world is formed by society and family dynamics? Some stuff can be changed but if society screams loudly enough we conform. Fucking Rockefeller's.