Think about feminism from the perspective of a 1960s capitalist: Half the population isn't contributing to the US workforce. Half the population isn’t generating any tax revenue. Women care more about their families than jobs.
That’s trillions in GDP you’re leaving on the table.
Families like the Rockefellers understood this, so they pushed for women to enter the workforce. They didn’t care about equality or the patriarchy. They wanted more control over the lives of women.
Here’s director Aaron Russo talking about a conversation with Nicholas Rockefeller, telling him how his family created women’s lib:
“[Nicholas] was at the house one night and he asked me what I thought Women’s liberation was about. I had conventional thinking so I said women having the right to work and having equal pay with men.
He started to laugh and said there are two reasons: 1) We funded this movement to get more women into the workforce and now we can tax them and stimulate the economy. 2) We can control them in the offices, schools, and in life. We can break up the family structure and the government becomes the family structure.”
I am all in favor of equal rights for women, but the true spirit of feminism went from a radical movement in the 60s to “equality” in the frame of capitalism; making women CEOs, girl bosses, and breadwinners.
It sounds like progressivism but women are exploited like everyone else with hollow victories such as college degrees with mountains of debt, materialism, and 9-5 slavery replacing their family life.
The 1960s mother dogma was replaced by the corporate slavery one.
There’s a reason childless women have the lowest life satisfaction among mothers, unmarried mothers, and married mothers.
I’m sure someone in the comments is typing very angrily right now. As I said, women should be able to do whatever they want, but the evidence that this movement was hijacked is everywhere: from the CIA to the colleges.
The CIA funded Early Feminist Scholars
Despite their shortcomings, such as excluding black women from their movement, the feminists of the 1960s had genuinely valid concerns to fight for liberation.
They weren’t able to apply for credit without their husband’s name.
Many women couldn’t be lawyers in many cases.
There was help wanted ads separated by ‘help wanted male’ and ‘help wanted female’
However, the early financial backers of feminism weren’t interested in equality; they wanted to radicalize it like with feminist icon Gloria Steinem, who praised the CIA for funding her, saying, “The CIA boasts a liberal and non-violent environment.” This is the same CIA that spied on Martin Luther King Jr. and who John F. Kennedy said he’d “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces.”
The CIA will come up with a term for feminists: “change agents.” The people who sway public discourse but are considered suitable by the government.
How revolutionary is a movement that the government cosigns?
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal”
So here’s where everything changed forever. The 70s. New York City. The Rockefellers were as excited as Mr. Burns dumping toxic radiation into the river. A new wave of feminists emerged, one of the most influential being Judith Lorber.
Lorber was a foundational theorist of gender studies in the 1970s.
She turned 70s feminism — most commonly classified as second-wave feminism — to what we see now as birth control at 14, having lots of casual sex, and girl boss-type feminism.
She summarized the four main tendencies of the paradigm shift:
1. Gender - not biological sex - is now central.
2. Gender is a social construct.
3. Power comes from those who control the idea of gender (aka Men)
4. The most important thing was for a person to figure out their own gendered identity and break away from this new vague idea of the patriarchy.
This set the stage for the subtle, subversion of feminism. Feminism became doing what men do, but better, and became about power, not equality.
By the 80s and 90s, feminist activists had made tremendous progress toward the legal, professional, and social equality of the sexes that they had made themselves redundant because it left relatively little to do.
So the movement kept re-radicalizing into third- and fourth-wave feminism—and now this grassroots movement is into a $1.5 trillion dollar industry.
Why admit that women have taken the lead in higher education with 57 percent of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women or that two-thirds of high school students in the top 10 percent are girls?
In the words of David Rockefeller, the youngest son of John D. Rockefeller, “Some believe we are part of a secret cabal, working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists,' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud.”
If feminism never ends, neither does the cash cow, and that leads us to today.
Freedom Isn’t Making Women Happier (Statistically)
My favorite book in book is The Grand Inquisitor inside Fydor Dostoeveky’s The Brothers Karamazov.
The idea it posits is that freedom is the worst thing God ever gave to man. It’s paralyzing; it leaves a burden that the strong can carry, but anyone who isn’t strong-willed is crushed. The same is happening in feminism.
Today there are 50+ types of feminism to choose from:
Some include radical cultural feminists, radical lesbian feminists, radical libertarian feminists, separatists, French psychoanalytical feminists, womanists, liberal feminists, Social Justice Warrior …. [Pause for a drink of water], Black Feminists, TERF, neoliberal feminists, Marxist feminists, socialist/materialist feminists, Islamic feminists, Christian feminists, Jewish feminists, choice feminists, equity feminists, postfeminists, and intersectional feminists.
Does any of this make women any happier? No. Not statistically, at least.
Today women are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders than ever before.
The media wants them to believe it’s because things still aren’t equal for them
Yeah, right. What you’re hiding from women, as a Rockefeller, is the studies showing that casual sex leads to depression and STDs.
Or that taking birth control is linked to higher suicide risk.
Or that adults who are married are far happier than those in any other relationship status, according to the recent data.
It’s not that women need to get their fucking ass back in the kitchen, like Andrew Tate would say. It’s that the current paradigm isn’t making women happy either. It’s too much freedom to decide whether or not to have casual sex, climb the corporate ladder, take birth control, or have an abortion. One dogma for another.
A Better Solution
I don’t think Feminism is a dirty word or should be gotten rid of. But it shouldn’t be treated like a dogmatic religion. Modern fourth-wave feminists will find ‘patriarchy’ or ‘white male privilege’ where it doesn’t exist, and if you disagree, you’re a heretic.
As social psychologist Leon Festinger noted when studying UFO cults, devoted cult members did not abandon their faith when the prophecies of the cult failed to materialize - when there was no arrival of the UFO.
Instead, they doubled down and believed they were completely justified.
There has to be a better solution.
A better way to do feminism.
And there is.
It’s education and family values.
Not the coolest solution, I know. But if you leave your child’s education up to the schools, you allow this system to fester like a cold sore. Your children will get indoctrinated, and the feminist industrial racket will continue.
Feminism was never meant to be an oversimplification that women have one path to true femininity, or that men are unfairly privileged and need to repent and get out of everyone else’s way.
You can have a family.
You can get married.
You don’t need to be a girl boss all the time and make men feel like crap. Real feminists are out there, and they know this. We desperately need this message today, that you can be pro-women and pro-men.
This isn’t middle school, and this isn’t the Hunger Games. We’re all adults here and can treat each other respectfully.
Here’s the full video of Aaron Russo detailing his conversation with Nicholas Rockefeller:
Great article - this is the key phrase: "We can control them in the offices, schools, and in life. We can break up the family structure and the government becomes the family structure.” This is also whats behind the trans movement - getting rid of families
Excellent piece. The video is important to watch because it contextualised how their feminism construct plays into their overall playbook. The Elite know full well that poisoning the culture enviserates Political argumentation.