It takes a lot of intellectual artistery to make an outright military attack on a sovereign neighbor into a rightful consequence of making “warnings”. Nobody threathened Russia, but somebody had to guts to slip away from the imperial cowboys.
You can excuse the russians as much as you want, but you can’t stop them tearing their own country apart.
You missed the line I wrote, "Trump targeted NPCs who think the history of this war began in 2022." If you're not familiar with the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act or "Nyet means Nyet" 2008 diplomatic cable from U.S. Ambassador William Burns or the Color Revolutions, then we're just talking past each other.
It's banal to say I obviously don't support Russia, which I don't yet would like to see peace, but they were 100% provoked. Doesn't mean Putin isn't a killer, or that it was justified.
Whether Russia was provoked or not, the fact is that they invaded Ukraine. What you’re essentially saying is that Putin felt he had no other option and you agree with him on that. The Ukrainians disagree. They prefer the option where Putin leaves them alone and finds some other way to make Russia great again.
You can't get through to people like that. He's likely convinced that the coup in 2014 was totally organic, and that neither Victoria Nuland nor George Soros had anything to do with it. He hasn't seen Soros admit that he sponsored it, nor is he aware of the Wikileaks-released phone call where Nuland is picking the new government. He knows nothing of the Minsk Agreements, or that both Zelensky and Angela Merkle admitted that they never intended to honor them.
Candidly, I'm surprised he found his way to your blog. CNN must be on extended commercial break.
Great post. Thanks for posting that link to the Youtube lecture. It's a good listen. But, did you mean to link to the audiobook, or just the lecture?
Ah, thanks for pointing that out Laramie! The audiobook link I had saved has been removed, I'll send one in my article tomorrow. Hope you're well
WOW ! I'm impressed you got the book for $150 --want to sell it ?
It takes a lot of intellectual artistery to make an outright military attack on a sovereign neighbor into a rightful consequence of making “warnings”. Nobody threathened Russia, but somebody had to guts to slip away from the imperial cowboys.
You can excuse the russians as much as you want, but you can’t stop them tearing their own country apart.
Neither can Trump
You missed the line I wrote, "Trump targeted NPCs who think the history of this war began in 2022." If you're not familiar with the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act or "Nyet means Nyet" 2008 diplomatic cable from U.S. Ambassador William Burns or the Color Revolutions, then we're just talking past each other.
It's banal to say I obviously don't support Russia, which I don't yet would like to see peace, but they were 100% provoked. Doesn't mean Putin isn't a killer, or that it was justified.
Whether Russia was provoked or not, the fact is that they invaded Ukraine. What you’re essentially saying is that Putin felt he had no other option and you agree with him on that. The Ukrainians disagree. They prefer the option where Putin leaves them alone and finds some other way to make Russia great again.
You can't get through to people like that. He's likely convinced that the coup in 2014 was totally organic, and that neither Victoria Nuland nor George Soros had anything to do with it. He hasn't seen Soros admit that he sponsored it, nor is he aware of the Wikileaks-released phone call where Nuland is picking the new government. He knows nothing of the Minsk Agreements, or that both Zelensky and Angela Merkle admitted that they never intended to honor them.
Candidly, I'm surprised he found his way to your blog. CNN must be on extended commercial break.
Your Patron Vlad thanks you for your obedience.
Enjoy the Fascism while you can.
Wow, very insightful and original comment! Keep up the good work!
As long as you churn out your cretinous apologism for Fascism disguised as some kind of down-home insightful wisdom, I’ll be here to call it out.
Yet you haven’t offered a counter argument to the points made though have you? That would be a more useful response.