I don't know what to say except I love how you write what you say.

I'm white, old, and female. After doing a deep dive into the halftime, what people were saying, learning about the subliminal messages, and reading a little bit of history all I can say is that it's a culture thing that I'm not a participant, which makes me totally unqualified to comment about much of anything on the matter.

I'm writing my own article on that halftime from my own perspective and what was shared that night during the party I attended. I'll probably catch shit for it and may lose subscribers myself, but since it's the platform I share my views and write on, that's the way it goes.

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Great piece, Isaiah! We need to have 'Real' history classes. Let's discuss all the horrible things that have been done in the name of America and our achievements. There's no need to sugarcoat it; people are smarter than our leaders like to think. Give folks the truth and let them form their own opinions.

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My genealogy chart shows I am mostly of Irish heritage with Spanish and German blood roots going back to pre-Civil War --likely of Gangs of New York vintage. I am a 5th generation Californian with a Great Uncle who was cited in Profiles in Courage by JFK as being the first Irish Catholic elected to Congress (long after Negro or Black or African American --your pick--were elected to the House and Senate during Reconstruction). I was also the Executive Producer for Out of Ireland which ran nationally on PBS for 7 years. I am quite happy with St.Paddy's Day in which we get drunk and laugh ourselves physically sick celebrating the corrupt Tweeds, The Molly Magires the souls that were lost killing the politicians of Perfidious Albion, Southern Rebels who fought for Slavery, US Mexican War conscripts who deserted Grant to fight for the Mexicans --i.e.the whole panoply of poets, pirates, comedians and drunks who are the fabric of this USA.

In any case, I would like to reprint this gem of a column on my website/substack and reach across most social media with subscribers in the UK/ Ireland --https://nogirlsallowedwritersclub.com/--

just because I want to hear the reaction. If you feel inclined to grant permission , ou know my personal e-mail.

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I was listening to James Baldwin and Nikki Giovanni. It was an older video on YouTube. She was complaining to him about black men and he was explaining that it’s not a black/white problem. I think showing the success of those in literature and art and so many other areas would be so much more fruitful as you say. Some of my favourite artists personality and character are Nina Simone, Tina Turner, Toni Morrison a few of many. Yes the idea of 20 years down the line repeating is hard. I see people and having to define feels like separation and uncomfortable for me. I don’t know how what I am saying comes across. I get you on this matter.

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