First off, R.I.P. David Lynch.
David Lynch ISN’T like other artists or directors, and that isn’t a statement about him so much as it is about everyone else.
Look at it from the opposite direction. I’m not saying, “Lynch is special in a way no one else is!” It’s a statement of “Why doesn’t anyone else want to be special in a way no one else is?”
2025: The death of the artist and the birth of the creative entrepreneur! You don’t have to think Lynch is BETTER than every other creator, necessarily, to realize and acknowledge that he chose to operate in a manner that, for whatever reason, nobody else seems to want to: Totally and freely unfiltered.
He will be missed.
So, what have I been up to?
Here’s a short list:
Writing daily for 99Bitcoins (if you want my thoughts on crypto)
Making short video docs for YT (my own channel & here)
Scriptwriting for a channel called American Alchemy (no longer there)
Covering CES in Las Vegas, I just got back
I’ve held off on Substack until the inauguration—figuring the real fireworks would start then. And now, like clockwork, here we are.
Thank God Trump won! I don’t know if any society is actually experiencing a Golden Age right now. Maybe China is the best it has ever been but they still have their problems.
But if America is to experience a second Golden Age it begins with Trump.
He is 1 of a kind. And somehow, the steal was prevented.
President Trump will never be forgotten because he began America’s second Golden Age.
My Plans For 2025: Amor Vincit Omnia
Firstly, what the fuck is going on at
, one of Medium’s safest and peaceable publications, got up and quit the website. They wrote a great post about it, too.It’s a fucking shitshow over there! I was thinking about returning to Medium but now I’m unsure. I want a place to continue writing, besides Substack, to reach a new audience.
I think I’ll try Medium for the first half of 2025 and go from there.
That said, I still feel like I’m in a place now to do my best work in 2025.
Here’s what I have planned:
Substack: 2 posts a week for Substack subscribers covering 9/11, the Franklin Scandal, the Dulles brothers, the Israel lobby and other safe kid-friendly topics (occasional videos as well)
YouTube: I may be joining the team at Coinsider, one of the biggest crypto YT channels on the internet as a host (stay tuned)
New Books: I will be releasing updated versions of my two eBooks “Mind and Muscle: The Psychological Benefits of Healthy Habits” and “Gold 2.0”
I’m also trying to schedule live streams to interact with you guys!
Besides that I’m out in Denver for the Winter likely never to return to New York City to live again. Ny is the best American city, in my opinion, but as the great Hunter Thompson wrote, “All of New York’s glitter is on the surface, like a huge moonlit bay. It’s beautiful and clean and awe-inspiring on the top, but not many of us can walk on water. Not for long, anyway.”
I’m considering living in Austin, TX, or Las Vegas because I like the idea of being in a barren, radioactive desert.
Anyway, that’s all I got! Lynch not being alive just doesn’t feel right. He was always working on something, and the idea that he’s no longer here creating is so sad. Whether film, music, photography, painting or carpentry, he was always busy.
I wish he had done one more film, but anything he would have done after “The Return” would have tainted it. It’s the most perfect curtain call a Director ever pulled. It feels like the conclusion to an entire career.
Have a great weekend!
I have lived in Vegas now 20 years but I sure wish it was still the Vegas of 20 years ago. Housing was so affordable back then and the city was sooo much smaller. It still does feel like a small town though. Better get here quick with all the Californias now going to move here. Stick to the West side of Vegas like Summerlin or Henderson. Whats really fun is all the great shows, food, events etc that you can do - or just stay in your local neighborhood and avoid the tourists. Most of us locals never go to the strip. And I love that the city is new and clean and we have lots of parks, lots of hiking, and Utah is close and an amazing state for outdoor activities. And San Diego is close too. I love Austin too but all the Dems have moved there. Of course all the CA's have come here too - we just hope they didn't bring their politics! I also hang out monthly with the libertarians here - we have a fun group.