I’ve been thinking a lot about Trump.
He’s a crook, a con, and a narcissistic PT Barnum showman that has possibly accelerated our country into certain doom. But he also has done a lot of good.
He exposed the media for the frauds they are.
He exposed the GOP and Democrats as puppets playing to the tune of their corporate masters.
He turned the economy around, shifted towards a manufacturing and energy production-based country, spanked China, and has been a thorn in the side of the globalist establishment and for that, I will always be grateful.
But he’s his own worst enemy.
Trump is hellbent on causing as much chaos as possible. This used to be his greatest strength, but now it’s getting exhausting.
The election wasn’t stolen despite what he’s been claiming for two years. It wasn’t a fair election, however, and that should be pointed out. There’s empirical evidence at this point; in fact, Google engineer Zachary Vorhies just published a book entitled, “Google Leaks: A Whistleblower’s Exposé of Big Tech Censorship”, explaining that the turning point for Google was the election of Donald Trump. Moreover, Zack has leaked 950 pages of internal documents providing evidence of Google’s use of blacklist, censorship, and machine learning algorithms to rig the 2020 election.
I repeat: the election wasn’t stolen. It was unfair.
That’s how elections are.
The media clearly muscled their way into influencing the election but they didn’t outright rig it.
Trump has equated this imbalance to conspiracy. He’s saying a vote for Trump is saying that at the fundamental level the democratic system is broken, gamed, and forever rigged against anyone not part of the establishment.
And in some small part, this is all true.
There is a ruling oligarchy in America; but what Trump is fighting after, what he is trying to inject into the mainstream is the end of Western democracy as we know it. He’s saying that the whole system is a sham and that we might as well burn it down.
And that’s where I say no. Again.
Yes, things are bad in America in a deeply psychological and philosophical way… but is this really the end? It could be. The end of the American Empire.
We’ve accelerated in recent years. Every election gets worse, every politician gets more corrupt, and the American people feel like they’re on the brink of something crazy…
…Maybe Trump is just a symptom of a broken system.
Maybe he’s inevitable.
I’m leaning towards that he is, but I wish he wasn’t. He exposes the problems in America like a festering sore, but he’s also a walking, talking, breathing embodiment of those problems.
I fear that another election where he is front and center will result in a permanent, realignment of Western democracy into something dark, paranoid, and deeply anti-democratic.
Maybe a deeply inept dead horse like Biden is what this country needs. Or, conversely, maybe someone like a Ron Dessantis could calm things down and not incite a riot as a Trump victory would. I don’t know.
But I do know that the 2024 election scares the living shit out of me.
By the way, I’m not a Republican.
I have Republican and Democratic views as any critical-thinking person should. If your views fall neatly into one party you’re a pawn in someone else’s game.
Also here’s something crazy you should look into…
Democrats spent $53 MILLION backing “Stop the Steal” candidates. Yes, you read that right. Democrats want their opponents to be the craziest, conspiracy-theorist, unhinged people they can find. They want more Trumps because, in a way, many nuanced voters are tired of the chaos.
Anyway, I hope the best candidate — Republican or Democrat — wins in 2024.
Here’s to hoping.
Many of us have heard Trump live broadcasts say the opposite of what you are telling us “he’s saying”, and thinking (mindreadingexpert?)So we don’t need an interpreter, thanks anyway. And I prefer empirical evidence.
I never heard him say our elections are “systemically broken”, just rigged to deliver a result that’s fake, stolen.
You don’t like
“Stolen”. Okay. Rigged, manipulated, influenced, carelessly handled, cheated, misreported, whatever. The evidence of all the above overwhelmingly shows Trump may have won. Easily. AND the election officials have fought hard to prevent that evidence from being released to the public. So have judges, the press, and tech corps.
AND he offers a solution. Paper ballots. No drop boxes. Limited Absentee ballots that must be requested. No mass mailing out of ballots to just everyone. Sure these are self-explanatory. If not, study up, Grasshopper!
"I hope the best candidate — Republican or Democrat — wins in 2024." - Why?
Ok, devil's advocate here. When has the above ever worked. Every time we vote to be governed, we get a LOT more government.I don't need to be governed, do you? If I vote to have my will imposed on that guy, in the next term that guy is gonna have his will imposed on me. It's a zero-sum game and just gets worse and worse around here.
If we can take back control of food, energy and money, then the elites literally lose control over us. Small local farms and ranches, free-energy and zero-point tech, and of course a few cryptos. That should do the trick.
"But what about the roads and schools!" - Seriously, who made that smartphone in your pocket? If the free markets can figure out how to make a smartphone, I'm sure we can figure out how to pave a road.
I say, we just leave that old system altogether. Stop complying with it and render it obsolete.