The Covid-19 Psyop: How Did you Beat the Great Fear Campaign?
About 3 days into it, when they kept the liquor stores open, but closed the gyms and churches, that's when you know
Isn't it weird that Covid-19 lockdowns happened at all?
Not the disease. The reaction. The hysterics, hate, dogmatism — it was like a humiliation ritual to see who is who. It reminds me of the Nuremberg Code: Directives for Human Experimentation:
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society.
The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease.
I want this next part in plain English.
When the viruses started hospitalizing people, they were all over 50.
When the virus started killing people they were all over 50.
When the vaccine was released, the data clearly and concisely showed that Covid-19 is statistically insignificant for people under 50 years of age, and remains so to this day. If you remove comorbidities and serious illnesses and conditions, it almost doesn't exist outside a recorded PCR test bundle for people in that age group. Not rocket science or cartooning.
Shortly after two groups formed: one that fought for dialogue, rights and sanity. Another for ostracization, demonization, and lockdowns.
It was a modern-day MK-Ultra. The lockdowns felt like a psyop to see how far the government can push humanity: 1) How long can we get people locked inside their houses 2) Can we get them to wear cloth masks that don't do anything for two years? 3) Can we get them to force the vaccine on other people?
It's almost as if people WANTED to panic first and think logically second.
I had conversations like these:
Person 1: Covid kills people that are overwhelmingly over 50
Person 2: Blank stare.
Person 1: Covid kills people that already have at least 2 serious previous conditions in more than 90% of the cases.
Person 2: Blank stare.
Person 1: There were nearly no flu deaths in 2020. If you sum all the covid deaths in 2020, you get more or less the same amount of deaths you would have during a flu season. The small discrepancy is explained by death protocols enacted on purpose by hospitals to get $$$
Person 2: Blank stare.
Person 1: Vaccines have failed—Bill Gates said it himself— and we know for a fact that they knew there were going to be ineffective at least from February 2021. Yet they still pushed it on everyone, even on 5 years old.
Person 2: Blank stare. Gets boosted
This isn't a hindsight 20/20 moment. Many people made this observation EARLY.
One of them was Elon Musk. Watch his appearance on Joe Rogan literally months after the pandemic started. He mentioned the fake mortality rate, highlighted comorbidities and that the probability of death under 50 is extremely low. Others are Kentucky congressman Thomas Massie and Dr. Robert Mallone.
We were all called “far-right extremists,” “conspiracy nuts,” “plague rats,” and “dangerous terrorists.” I saw fallout even amongst my closest friends and family.
I’ll close with this, remember when they started with the cheap bribes? Free donuts! Free hamburgers!
Interesting to see how they started: they went from free food to offering grocery and Walmart gift cards, then rather quickly it turned into "you should be fired from your job, blacklisted from society, your child should be kicked out of school."
The fuck?
"Heck, your kids should be taken from you because clearly you're an antivaxxer nutjob! Oh and if something happens to you and you need medical care, it should be denied because you chose to refuse to get the jab!"
The fucking fuck?
The fact that all of this happened and everything went back to "normal" in the span of a year with no accountability for anyone is stranger than fiction.
Huxley once said 1/3 of the world can be hypnotized, another 1/3 sometimes hypnotized, and the last 1/3 can never be hypnotized. That's where we're at — a modern MK-Ultra, a real-life version of Brave New World.
I'm just terrified of what that 2/3 will do during the next crisis.
Dang! That is so spot on. It was cathartic just reading it.
I wish I could find the chart, but the CDC tracks reported flu cases every year and then publishes a graph showing distribution by time. It's always a bell curve, starting sometime in October, peaking sometime around January, then declining and nearly disappearing some time in April. I found that chart in May of 2020 -- a few months after lockdowns. It was the same bell curve, with one exception: The right side of the curve fell to 0 flu cases in March of 2020. Flu disappeared. It hadn't ever done that in prior years. I went back to find that chart about a year later and it had been removed. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
I'll share one more anecdote. I run a company where the vast majority of my employees work at our customers' corporate facilities. When the lockdowns started to get lifted, these customers wanted their employees to return to work. But, everyone was scared. One thing they did to try to quell that fear was to have all employees undergo a temperature check before being admitted to the corporate facilities. At the start of the pandemic, a temperature check meant that a human had to approach you with a handheld thermometer and take a reading of the temperature of your forehead. No 6-foot social distancing possible there. My company supplied the personnel who conducted these temperature checks to many of our corporate customers.
Like you, it was quickly quite obvious to me that this virus, to which no one had immunity, predominantly was a risk to the elderly and those with many co-morbidities. So, what did we do as a company? We restricted those who could work as temperature screeners to those under 65, and without co-morbidities (no pregnancy, diabetes, etc.). The guidance we used for this was lifted, verbatim, from the CDC's website: 'COVID is more dangerous for those with co-morbidities and those who are 65 years old and older.' Literally, our job restrictions were taken word for word from the CDC's website.
Now, mind you, we didn't lay anyone off, and those with co-morbidities or who were elderly were not denied any work. They simply couldn't work as screeners who would have to present within a foot or so of 500 - 1,000 individuals who might have COVID each day. We didn't want anyone dying on our watch, so we limited those at high risk per the CDC from working this one set of positions.
What happened? We were sued by the EEOC. We pointed out that our job restrictions were taken straight from the CDC's website. What do you think the EEOC's response was? They said 'that's a sister organization and we are not bound by their guidance.' Those lawsuits are still pending to this day.
That's government.
If I recall correctly you lived in NYC … we got to see first hand how absurd the Covid theatre was. Trauma based mind control at its finest