Disney is Dead: The Coming Disney Crisis Happening Now
I think it’s safe to say Disney ruins everything it touches.
How do you feel watching Disney destroy Western media?
An overreaction? Maybe. But even if you're a diehard Disney fan— even if you watch every animated movie, decorate your home with Mickey Mouse memorabilia, and have an annual pass to Disneyland, you have to admit that one company having this much control over entertainment is scary.
Here's a chart you need to see:
Oh, sorry. That's the old chart.
Here's the new one:
We are already living in the Blade Runner world. One where a company will re-release and re-create the same movie 20 times in theaters, on BluRay, and digitally because they can. One where a movie's success doesn't come from a creator anymore, but from a board of directors and bean counters who track data and demographics.
And one where a company will act so petty that they'll deny a father to put Spider-Man on his dead kid's gravestone. (Yes, Disney did that)
Is this the world that we want? Is this how art dies!?
The Disney Formula is Dead
Disney went from telling stories to trying to promote an ideology.
In the early 1920s, Walt Disney fought tooth and nail to create a company to make quality animation for families. He wanted to change the way people saw cartoons, and he succeeded. For nearly 50 years, Disney was the undisputed king of family entertainment.
But then something happened. In 1996, Michael Eisner took over as CEO and the company slowly transitioned from a creative powerhouse to a corporate machine willing to do anything to make a quick buck.
Disney stopped taking risks, instead only greenlighting surefire hits. They began to rely on sequels and recycling old ideas. And as they’re slowly starting to find out, that formula can only work for so long ...
Lightyear (2022)
Mulan (2020)
Black Widow (2021)
All of these films should have been easy slam dunks for Disney. They weren't. They bombed like the Hindenburg.
Entertainment investors don't necessarily want a company to make a quality product, they just want to make more money and will thus latch onto whatever popular moneymaking fad is doing the rounds.
This is why the policies of large corporate entities like Disney are sporadic, paradoxical, and often non-sensical; it's due to a breakdown in communication and cooperation between the increasingly large network of executives and VIP stakeholders constantly butting heads over the smallest thing.
It’s like a three-headed dragon arguing with itself.
For instance, Disney hands out White Privilege checklists to employees and trains them to be "anti-racists." Moreover, BlackRock, Disney's primary investment backer, even rates Disney the second most woke company on the planet. All good so far, right? No. Wrong.
Disney is one of the biggest supporters of China, and to appease the Chinese Communist Party, Disney has censored Black people from movie posters including John Boyega from Star Wars and Chadwick Boseman from Black Panther.
This is the height of hypocrisy.
The company that lectures us about "white privilege" and "systematic racism" is the same one that's propping up the most oppressive regime in the world. In fact, under Michael Eisner's reign in the 90s, Disney had to ban the Martin Scorsese-directed film Kundun because it was critical of the Chinese government. Even though the movie is heralded as Scorsese's "buried masterpiece" Eisner had to genuflect and apologize publicly.
"We made a stupid mistake in releasing ‘Kundun.’ I want to apologize, and in the future we should prevent this sort of thing, which insults our Chinese friends, from happening."
— Michael Eisner
Disney is like a coin with two sides. On one side is their "woke" public persona, and on the other is their actions. And those actions often go against everything they claim to stand for.
Ultimately, What Killed the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
The conclusion of super movies as a pop culture phenomenon ended with Avengers Endgame. Since then it’s only been decline after decline as moviemakers resort to cheap thrills to get people in the seats such as…
Fanservice movies like Spiderman: No Way Home
Messy Frankenstein movies like Dr. Strange 2: MoM
Woke forced inclusive shite like She-Hulk (Watch Moonlight for a movie that doesn’t force inclusion, but still checks all the boxes, and is god-tier)
Pumping out boring Disney+ series that cuts off anyone who doesn’t have a Disney+ account
Superhero movies mostly make their money back, but we’re beginning to see the slump as they rely more on gimmicky concepts.
This is like when people got sick of Westerns after it was the defining genre of television and film for over a decade. There are many ways to shoot a man in a white hat before people get bored.
Star Wars is Worse of a Disappointment Than My Son
“All those Star Wars films … I loved them, I created them, I’m very intimately involved in them, and I sold them to the white slavers.” — George Lucas
The man who created Star Wars and sold it to the Mouse House called them “white slavers.”
George Lucas also said that he regrets not making more of an effort to keep the franchise and that he sold it for “slightly less than” what it’s worth.
In other words, Lucas believes Disney destroyed his life’s work! He’s not wrong. Star Wars as a theatrical experience is dead. The Last Jedi split the fanbase and the Solo movie and Rise of Skywalker did so badly that Disney canceled their plans for more films.
It’s the same thing that’s happening with Marvel. Disney is too timid to take risks so all they do is replace all the original characters with gender-swapped or race-swapped versions. It’s passive progressive. Meaning, it isn’t progressive for shit. All Disney has left are gimmicks and no original ideas because Star Wars and Marvel are creatively bankrupt.
Will We See the Death of Disney?
Probably not.
The company is too big to fail. But we are seeing the death of what made Disney great: creativity, risk-taking, and quality storytelling.
The Disney of today is a shell of its former self. It’s a corporate behemoth that values profits over art. I’m sure one day Disney will have to make a giant pivot, but for now, they’re just going to keep milking their franchises until they’re dry like a sunbathing lizard
And, because Disney owns so much of today’s media, the entirety of Western culture will suffer for it. Prepare.
“Everybody in the world was once a child. So in planning a new picture, we don’t think of grown-ups, and we don’t think of children, but just of that fine, clean, unspoiled spot down deep in every one of us that maybe the world has made us forget and that maybe our pictures can help recall.”
— Walt Disney… also a scumbag
To me, it's the self-loathing that turns me off. I stopped watching football and pretty much all sports when highly paid, highly privileged people who play games for a living decided that they had to take a knee before every match. Not only do I not need to know the politics of athletes and actors, I don't respect them for anything other than the craft they're paid to do. Same thing with Disney. Entertain me. Once you start preaching to me, you lose me.
I've been off of substack for a while. Glad life has slowed down enough for me to get back to yard couch.
As always, your writing is highly engaging and entertaining. Keep up the good work!